Budge Budge is an amalgamation of diverse culture. You can find breathtaking views, historic places, many beautiful parks and picnic spots. And don’t forget to visit the holy river Ganges, which flows through the heart of Budge Budge.

Day Trips

There are many places at Budge Budge, where you can plan to spend your day or evening. Let us know if you would like to visit us sometimes and we can arrange a trip for you.

Birla Park

Pujali Picnic Spot

Budge Budge Riverside

People of Budge Budge are blessed as the Holy river Ganges flows through the middle of our city. Along the banks there are many amazing locations for Sunrise and Sunset

Boating @ BB


How to visit Budge Budge and also the best way to navigate in and around the city when you are here.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. 

Come, spend a day at Budge Budge, where we celebrate every day.

The most beautiful place in Budge Budge is, of course, every corner and nooks of Budge Budge itself.

Zenith Shaikh

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